
Making Seed Bombs

Seed bombs are a great project to do with kids, and a wonderful way to spread flower seeds in a large area. This is a project that can be done any time of the year, but the messiness means it’s a good craft for a nice day outside. The best part is, you can mix any seeds you want to create your ideal meadow garden mix.

Top Garden Projects for November

This month and throughout the next several months will be good times to transplant trees and shrubs, apply winter dormant sprays and begin fall and winter planting. November is the month to clean-up the garden and begin getting it ready for the cooler late fall and winter months ahead.

Top Garden Projects for September

As fall approaches it is time to give some thought to getting the garden ready for the fall and winter months just ahead. As the cooler weather sets in, it will be an ideal time to begin getting plants ready for the winter, to plant spring bulbs, cultivate and harvest fruits and vegetables.

Fall Houseplant Care

Autumn is one of the most critical times of the entire year for houseplants. Because it is at this time of year that thermostats are turned-up and the air simply becomes too hot and dry for most tropical houseplants. But, by providing adequate humidity, a good location and proper water the plants should do just fine.