
Radish – Early Scarlet Globe


A popular variety for eating fresh, using in salad and for garnishes. They yield quite rapidly. An easy crop to grow. 24 days to maturity.

Approximately 220 seeds per packet.

Availability: 71 in stock

SOWING: Seed directly into the vegetable garden anytime soil is workable from March to September. Avoid planting radishes during hot weather. Cover seeds with 1/4 inch of light soil.

SPACING: Leave 6 to 12 inches between rows. In small areas grow radishes in solid beds, spacing plants 2 inches apart in all directions.

THINNING: Once seedlings have become established, thin to 1 1/2 to 2 inches apart.

GERMINATION: Approximately 1 week. Keep soil moderately moist during germination.

Ed’s Special Advice: Treat soil with safe insecticide to protect from root insects, or sow seed where radishes or cabbage had not been grown the previous year. Protect seedbed from new infestation with cheesecloth or agricultural netting strung above plants. Plant in a mostly sunny spot in moderately rich soil kept fairly well watered.

SEED SAVING: Allow radishes to flower and seed pods to brown on plant. You can then hang them upside down in a paper bag and allow pods to fully ripen. Crush completely dry pods open, or when seeds are mature, the pods will open and seeds will drop. Store in cool dry place.


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