Cauliflower – Early Snowball


Large white, delicious solid heads are of excellent quality. This early variety is about 10 days ahead of most varieties normally grown here. Approx. 65 days from transplant to maturity. Serve cooked, steamed, or raw with dips.

Approximately 90 seeds per packet.

Availability: 59 in stock

SOWING: For early summer crop sow indoors or in greenhouse in early spring. Sow in flats, peat pots or trays. Cover with 1/8 inch fine soil. Keep soil moist but not wet. Or, seed directly into the garden in early April. For fall crop sow directly outdoors in late June.

THINNING AND TRANSPLANTING: Transplant seedlings indoors when first pair of true leaves have developed, to individual pots. Once plants are established harden off and transplant outdoors after danger of serious frost has passed from early April.

SPACING: Outdoors plant rows 2 feet apart spacing plants at least 18 inches apart in the row.

GERMINATION: Approximately 10 days in 70 degree room. Keep soil moderately moist during germination.

Ed’s Special Advice: Tie outer leaves over the cauliflower heads when they are 2-3 inches across. A dozen plants are suggested for an average family of 4 or 5. Plant cauliflower in rich soil and keep moderately moist.

SEED SAVING: Biennial, plants will flower and seed the second year. Isolate from other brassica while flowering. Gather seed pods when they’ve fully dried. Store in a cool, dry place.


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