Are Slugs A Problem In Your Garden?
Slugs can be a huge frustration for gardeners, especially in the Pacific Northwest. However, there are plenty of plants we can grow that slugs try to avoid. Some of these, like thyme, can be planted in a fence around a vegetable bed, while others are relatively worry free flowers for your garden.
Here are a few of the annuals that slugs are not particularly fond of. However, if they are hungry they will eat almost anything:
- Ageratum
- Allysum
- Begonia
- Cosmos
- Geranium
- Lobelia
- Nasturtium
- Nemesia
- Portulaca
- Painted daisy (Pyrethrum)
- Verbena
- Zinnia
Here are a few of the perennials that seem to be somewhat resistant to slug damage. Always remember slugs love new foliage growth, so there may be times when they will bother some plants, and other times when they will move onto more desirable ones. Here is a partial list of some popular perennials:
- Columbine
- Arabis
- Armeria
- Astilbe
- Aubrietia
- Campanula
- Dianthus (Pinks, Carnations)
- Dicentra (Bleeding Hearts)
- Geum
- Gypsolphila (Baby’s Breath)
- Helleborus
- Hemcrocallis (Day Lily)
- Iberis (Candytuft)
- Lupine
- Peonies
- Rudbeckia
- Sedum
- Thyme
For some reason slugs tend to avoid plants with hairy leaves or those with a milky sap.
If you have a particular plant that you really like and the slugs like too, you can use slug defense product to surround the plant and protect it from slug damage. This could be copper wire or mesh, spikes, or any number of other products. You can also surround the planting with a sprinkling of diatomaceous earth.
Painted Daisy – Merry Mixture$1.99
Nasturtium – Tall Trailing, Single Flowering Mix$2.09
Cosmos – Sensation Mix$1.99
Alyssum – Snow Cloth/Carpet of Snow$1.99
Portulaca – Moss Rose, Double Mix$2.09
Nasturtium – Scarlet Fiery Festival$2.09
Nasturtium – Glorious Gleam, Trailing Mixed Colors$2.09
Alyssum – Basket of Gold$2.09
Columbine – Aquilegia, McKana’s Giants Mixture$1.99
Alyssum – Royal Carpet$2.09
Nasturtium – Dwarf Jewel Mix$2.09
Zinnia – Semi-Dwarf Sprite Mixture$1.99
Lobelia – Trailing Sapphire$2.09
Lobelia – Blue Carpet$2.09
Cosmos – Dwarf Bright Lights$1.99
Cosmos – Dwarf Sensation Mixed$1.99
Lobelia – Color Cascade Mixed Colors$2.29
Lupine – Russell’s Mixture$1.99
Dwarf Zinnia – Thumbelina$2.09
Dwarf Lupine – Minarette$1.99
Cosmos – Sensation Jumbo Mix$2.99
Nasturtium – Dwarf Jewel Jumbo Mix$2.99
Nasturtium – Tall Single Jumbo Mixture$2.99
Lobelia – Crystal Palace$2.09
Zinnia – California Giant$1.99
Nasturtium – Peach Melba$2.29
Nasturtium – Mahogany$2.09
Nasturtium – Dwarf Cherry Rose$2.09
Nasturtium – Alaska$2.09