Summer Garden Projects

Top Garden Projects for May

Time to start thinking about the summer garden. If one wants to enjoy color during the summer, spring is the time to plant out summer flowering annuals, bulbs, perennials and shrubs. This is also the month to begin getting the lawn in shape for the summer. In fact, what you accomplish this month will greatly cut back on garden maintenance the rest of this spring and summer.

Top Garden Projects for June

Has the weather kept you from getting some of your spring gardening projects completed? Early June is not too late to get your summer gardening underway. Adding color, pruning, controlling slugs, dividing perennials, planting vegetables and eliminating weeds head the list of things to do in June.

Proper Watering

One of the most time consuming and misunderstood summer projects is that of watering the lawn, flowers and the vegetable garden. So here are some hints on the when, where, why and how’s of outdoor watering during the summer months.