Ed Hume Seeds

Proper Watering

One of the most time consuming and misunderstood summer projects is that of watering the lawn, flowers and the vegetable garden. So here are some hints on the when, where, why and how’s of outdoor watering during the summer months.

Spring Flowering Bulbs

Fall is the time to plant the spring flowering tulip, hyacinth, daffodil, crocus and iris bulbs for a profusion of color the next spring. Groupings of bulbs throughout the landscape will accent and highlight the garden. When used in naturalized settings of tall evergreens or among trees and broadleaf evergreens, they are particularly effective.

Harvesting & Storing Vegetables

For fullest flavor and nutritional value, it is important to harvest your vegetables at the right time. Many can be harvested at just about any stage of their growth, but others do not have their best taste if they are picked when they are under-ripe or overripe; they must be harvested at exactly the right point in their development.

Force Bulbs For Early Indoor Color

This is a great project for any member of the family. It’s easy, rewarding and fun to force a few bulbs for early indoor color. Hyacinths, because of their distinctive fragrance are one of the favorites for this project, but crocus and daffodils are other easy to force bulbs.

Fall Lawn Care & Maintenance

There isn’t a great deal that needs to be done in the lawn area during the fall. However, if you do spend a little extra time grooming it, the lawn will look better during the fall and winter and be in better growing condition by the time spring rolls around.

Houseplants That Help Purify The Air

Houseplants are not only beautiful in the home, they also help cleanse the air. Bamboo palm, Spider plant; flowering mums; Peace lily plant and Mother-in-laws-tongue, are just a few of the best houseplants for purifying air in the home, according to an ongoing two-year study by NASA and the Associated Landscape Contractors of America (ALCA).