Sweet Peas – Knee-Hi


A very dwarf Sweet Pea variety. It requires no support and is ideal for containers, beds, and borders. It blooms in a wide range of bright colors. Fragrant and heat resistant it’s a great choice for the home garden.

Availability: 91 in stock

SOWING: Sow seeds directly into the garden in early spring 1 inch deep, in rich well cultivated soil. Seedcan be started in individual peat pots 4 to 6 weeks before planting outside in permanent location.

SPACING: Thin established plants to about 4 inches apart.

GERMINATION: 10 to 20 days. Soak seeds overnight for quicker germination. Keep soil moderately moist.

Ed’s Special Advice: Plant some Knee High sweet peas in a window box where you will be able to enjoy its fragrant flowers indoors when youopen the window. Plants prefer rich, moist well drained soil. Keep plants especially well fertilized and watered if in containers.


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