SOWING: Sow indoors from February to April. Sow outdoors after all danger of frost has passed. Don’t cover seed, firm into soil with the back of your hand. Seeds need darkness to germinate, so cover flat or planting bed until germination occurs. Uncover and provide plenty of light as soon as young seedlings appear.
THINNING AND TRANSPLANTING: When Plants are 2 to 3 inches tall. thin and transplant 12 inches apart.
GERMINATION: 2 to 3 weeks, depending upon soil and weather conditions. Keep soil moderately moist during germination.
Ed’s Special Advice: Grow and flowers best in part sun and shade. Keep moderately moist The Canadians use this plant to perfection in their gardens, often overlooked here. Outstanding flowers. Grows well under shade trees.
J Leslie –
Years ago I bought these seeds based on the packet’s description. They are really beautiful and unique. The flowers are small but colorful. I grow them every year now.