SOWING: Sow directly into the garden in early spring as soon as the soil is workable. Sow seeds 2 inches apart and cover with 1 to 1 l/2 inches of fine soil firmed down. Sow successive plantings at 3 week intervals until mid spring. Sow mid July to early August for fall harvest.
SPACING: Leave 2 to 2 1/2 feet between rows. Can be grown in wide rows sowing seeds 2 inches apart in all directions.
GERMINATION: Completely dependent upon outdoor temperatures and soil warmth, usually one to two weeks. Keep soil moderately moist during germination.
Ed’s Special Advice: When possible, plant rows in a north-south direction for best sun exposure and good air circulation. Alaska grows well in cool weather. This earliest of all peas can also be planted late for a fall crop.
SEED SAVING: Allow pods to dry completely before removing them from the plant. Store seeds in cool, dry place.
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