Nemophila – Baby Blue Eyes


Beautiful five petaled azure flowers with white centers. Its light green feathery foliage is also very attractive. Very useful for color in beds and borders, rockeries and as spring flowering bulb cover. Will tolerate partial shade.

Availability: 86 in stock

SOWING: Plant seed directly outdoors in early spring after danger of severe frost has passed. Can be sown in the fall in mild winter areas. Barely cover seed with fine soil firmed down.

SPACING AND THINNING: Thin or carefully transplant young seedlings to about 6 inches apart.

GERMINATION: 1 to 2 weeks depending upon soil and weather conditions. Keep soil moderately moist during germination.

Ed’s Special Advice: Plant in full sun or partially shady spot. Plants prefer rich moist well drained, soil. Seed can be mixed with sand or other soil medium and broadcast over previously cultivated area. Lightly rake seed into soil to a depth of no more than 1/8 inch. Water regularly during heat of summer.