
Hummingbird, Butterfly, and Bee Mix – Pollinator Flower Garden


A colorful and attractive selection of flowers designed to help attract Hummingbirds and Butterflies to your garden. Included in the mix depending upon availability are: Butterfly Milkweed, Columbine, Calendula, Bachelor Buttons, Clarkia, Delphinium, Dianthus, Foxglove, Candytuft, Gayfeater, Lupine, Maltese Cross, Four O’Clocks, Forget Me Nots, Nicotania, Evening Primrose, Penstemon, Phlox, Salvia, Nasturtium, Zinnia, Shasta Daisy, Coreopsis, Cosmos, Sunflower, Alyssum, Phacella, Marigold, Viola, Gaillardia, Monarda, Coneflower, Clover, and Meadowfoam.

Availability: 90 in stock

SOWING: Sow seeds in previously prepared area, after danger of frost has passed. Lightly rake seeds into soil or cover with a planting medium to a depth of 1/8 inch. Seed can also be sown earlier indoors in flats for transplanting outdoors later.

THINNING & TRANSPLANTING: Thin or transplant seedlings to about a foot apart when they are about two inches tall.

GERMINATION: Approximately 10 days in 65 degree F weather. Keep soil moist during germination.

Ed’s Special Advice: For best results, plant seeds in a mostly sunny, weed-free spot where the soil has been cultivated, enriched and raked smooth. The seeds in this packet will cover up to 15 sq. ft. if properly distributed. Water as necessary until plants are well established, less frequently thereafter. Combined with landscape plants such as butterfly Bush and Red Hot Poker, these seeds will grow to provide an ideal habitat for visits from butterflies and hummingbirds; nature’s “Flying Flowers”.


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