
Carnation – Dwarf Fragrance Mix


Fully double flowers, excellent for cutting, in a wide range of colors. An attractive, fragrant, long-lasting flower with blue-gray grass-like foliage. Excellent in beds and borders.

Availability: 95 in stock

SOWING: Sow seeds 1/8 inch deep in light well-drained soil in sunny location. Start indoors 6 to 8 weeks before Fast frost is expected for same year blooms. Firm soil over seed and keep moist.

THINNING: Thin or transplant to 10 to 12 inches apart when plants are 3 inches high.

GERMINATION: Germinates in 2 to 3 weeks in 60 degree temperature.

Ed’s Special Advice: Carnations can be planted in mid-summer to bloom the following year. Protect from coldest weather by mulching with straw For continued blooming remove faded blossoms and feed lightly every 6 to 8 weeks.


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