Baby’s Breath – Covent Garden


Top-notch cut flower to use in flower arrangements. Masses of dainty white flowers make it a nice garden plant, too. Easy to grow.

Availability: 90 in stock

SOWING: Outdoors, as soon as danger of frost has passed. Barely cover seeds with fine soil.
THINNING AND HARVESTING: Thin to 8 to 12 inches when plants are 2 inches tall. Plant in a bright, sunny spot where the soil is well-drained.
GERMINATION: Approximately 10 to 14 days, depending upon soil and weather conditions. Keep soil moderately moist during germination.

Ed’s Special Advice: Pick flowers during cool part of day. Sow seeds at 3 week intervals to keep flowers coming throughout the summer. Grows best in a mostly sunny area with average garden soil. Do not fertilize or overwater.


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