Alyssum – Royal Carpet


Easy to grow from seed. Outstanding, quick flowering, low border annual. Ideal for edging, containers, and baskets. Sweetly-scented purple flowers cover dense, low, spreading, and compact plants.

Availability: 83 in stock

SOWING: Sow indoors for early seedling plants. Sow outdoors as soon as danger of frost has passed. Broadcast seed; do not cover with any soil or other medium. Best to water seed with warm water.

TRANSPLANTING: Young seedling plants should be spaced about 6 to 8 inches apart.

GERMINATION: From seed to bloom in approx. 6 to 7 weeks.

Ed’s Special Advice: To prolong the flowering season lightly shear back dead flowers after bloom. Grows best in full or part sun but will provide some flower color in shady spots. Easy to grow from seed.


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