Calendula – Pacific Beauty Mix

(1 customer review)


Colorful, fully double orange and yellow flowers. Easy to grow, attractive free flowering annual. Ideal for bedding, borders and cutting.

Availability: 83 in stock

SOWING: Seed indoors in early spring. Or, start seeds in the garden after danger of frost has passed. In mildwinter areas sow seeds in late summer through early fall for spring or possible fall flowering. Cover the seeds with 1/8 inch fine soil.

THINNING: When seedlings are 2 inches tall, thin to 8 to 10 inches apart. Transplant thinned plants.

GERMINATION: 10 to 15 days when temperatures are 60 to 70 degrees. Keep soil moderately moist duringgermination.

Ed’s Special Advice: Keep the flowers cut for continual flowering. Grow best in full sun or part sun and shade. Calendulas are not fussyabout soil and are easy to grow. A “must” for just about every home garden.

1 review for Calendula – Pacific Beauty Mix

  1. Julie

    Lovely! And makes beautiful little bouquets for small vases.

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