
Beet – Cylindrical


Dark red, 8 inch long cylindrical beet. Ideal for eating fresh, canning, freezing and pickling. Young leaves make delicious greens. Can be stored for winter use. Approx. 60 days to maturity.

Approximately 130 seeds per packet.

Availability: 74 in stock

SOWING: Plant outdoors from March through August (weather permitting). Sow seeds 2 to 4 inches apart covering them with 1/2 inch of fine soil.

SPACING: Space rows 12 to 18 inches apart or plant seeds 4 inches apart in all directions in beds.

THINNING: Thin to 3 inches apart when seedlings are a few inches high and enjoy the removed young greens in a salad.

GERMINATION: 2 to 3 weeks in warm weather. Keep soil moderately moist during germination.

Ed’s Special Advice: Space sowing times several weeks apart for longer harvest season. Beets prefer light, sandy loam-type soil. Add lime to soil for better flavor and texture. Sow seed in July and August for fall and winter crops.

SEED SAVING: Beets flower and seed in their second year of growth. After flowering, allow greens to brown, then cut from plant and hang to completely dry, up to two weeks. Strip seeds from stalks and store in a sealed container in a cool, dry place.


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